ITE Isolanti S.r.l. stands out for the high level of quality and reliability of the products it supplies and for the guarantees it is able to offer its customers, through the optimisation of resources, reduction of non-conformities, responsiveness, flexibility in management, innovation and orientation towards continuous improvement.
For this purpose, in 2004 the Quality Management System was certified according to the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard and, subsequently, in 2010, it was certified according to the IRIS standard, which has now become ISO/TS 22163:2017 (specific for the Railway Sector).
What are our priorities
Our priority is to provide products and services that meet customer requirements on a regular basis in order to increase customer satisfaction:

Meeting requirements: our daily challenge

For ITE Isolanti S.r.l., regularly meeting requirements and addressing future needs and expectations is a daily challenge in an increasingly dynamic and complex environment.
The process approach adopted by ITE Isolanti S.r.l. involves managing processes and their interactions in order to achieve the expected results in accordance with the organisation’s quality policy and strategic directions.
Process management is implemented using the PDCA cycle, with a general orientation towards risk-based thinking, aimed at seizing opportunities and preventing undesired results.